Birth Month Flowers: Find Out Yours and Plant Them!

lily of the valley
Photo by Prilutskiy from Shutterstock

May – Hawthorn & Lily of the Valley

If you were born in May, you probably know that the hawthorn and lily of the valley are the flowers that embellish the gardens at this time of year.

Hawthorn flowers are said to represent protection and love for the things that surround you. Since they have such berry-like fruits, these flowers are also known to symbolize fertility. What’s interesting about hawthorn is that it is also called the May tree.

Lily of the valley flowers are known as a symbol of sweetness, humility, and purity. They only bloom for a short period of time, and that’s the reason why these flowers are extremely exclusive and rare.

According to Victorian times, lilies of the valley were also seen to symbolize “returning to happiness.”

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