Birth Month Flowers: Find Out Yours and Plant Them!

cosmos flowers
Photo by kenjii from Shutterstock

October – Cosmos & Marigold

The bright and beautiful cosmos flower is a symbol of harmony, balance, and order. This is due to its lovely, orderly arrangement of flower petals and the beautiful color selection that these flowers come in. It’s also associated with joy, beauty, and simplicity.

The cosmos flower also symbolizes modesty, as it’s charming but not overly extravagant. Since these flowers may also be an expression of love, they are often associated with the second wedding anniversary.

Another fragrant bloom, the bright and bold marigold, stands for determination to succeed and fierce will. These vibrant orange flowers are known for their spicy and strong fragrance. Often seen as a hallmark of the fall season, these flowers come in all kinds of warm shades, including red, orange, and bright yellow.

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