Birth Month Flowers: Find Out Yours and Plant Them!

holly flower
Photo by Bos11 from Shutterstock

December – Holly & Narcissus

One of December’s birth flowers is the narcissus, which is a very cheerful yellow flower that got its name from a famous character from Greek mythology. His name was Narcissus, who fell so much in love with his own beauty that he drowned while staring into his own image reflected in a pool of water.

Nevertheless, narcissus flowers don’t stand for vanity but rather symbolize new beginnings, rejuvenation, and rebirth. Their blooms are also known to represent faithfulness due to their ability to bloom annually.

December’s second birth flower is the holly. This shrub-like tree has thick, leathery leaves with spiky points and serrated edges. We’re so used to seeing this shrubby tree everywhere at Christmas time. Its evergreen quality is metaphoric for happiness, optimism, and eternal life.

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