Birth Month Flowers: Find Out Yours and Plant Them!

morning glory
Photo by ruiruito from Shutterstock

September – Morning Glory & Aster

The first birth month flower of the fall season is the aster. These beautiful flowers are the symbols of wisdom, love, faith, and valor. Named after the Greek word “star” due to their blooms resembling a start, asters were considered sacred flowers in ancient Greek culture. In Victorian culture, the aster symbolizes patience, charm, and daintiness.

On the other hand, the morning glory flower can have many different meanings, but the most common include life, love, and even love in vain. Just as its name indicates, this flower opens its blossom each morning to greet the world. As the sun sets, the morning glory curls up and takes its rest.

They represent the way September-born people are so humble, affectionate, and extremely spontaneous.

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