12 Beautiful Plants That Bloom in the Fall

plants that bloom in the fall
Photo by seleznev_photos from Envato Elements

5. Autumn Crocus

One of the most beautiful plants that bloom in the fall is the autumn crocus, scientifically known as Colchicum autumnale. After being sown in the late summer, autumn crocus bulbs blossom in the following fall. The blooms emerge initially and flourish for two to three weeks before fading away. Long leaves will emerge the next spring and eventually vanish as the summer warms up.

Since this plant doesn’t like heat that much, it will remain dormant until fall comes. However, if you have small kids or pets, be careful since these plants are pretty toxic.

6. Goldenrod

I hope you’re ready for another beauty because we’re about to present you with the so-called Goldenrod. Being one of those plants that bloom in the fall, the goldenrod shows its flowers from early August to late October.

Usually growing to a height of five feet, the plants bloom at the rise of their splits with clusters of small yellow flowers. These flowers are adored by bees and butterflies. Goldenrod can grow quickly in the landscape and requires minimal care. Therefore, get rid of the flower heads before they set seed if you wish to limit their growth.