12 Beautiful Plants That Bloom in the Fall

plants that bloom in the fall
Photo by wirestock from Envato Elements

9. New York Aster

One of those beautiful plants that bloom in the fall is the bushes of New York Asters. Beginning in late August and lasting until the first frost, these tiny, daisy-like blooms begin to bloom. Early in the summer, these plants can develop into thick mounds with a large number of flower buds by pinching back the stems.

The wonderful thing about these plants is that they require little maintenance, accept clay soil, are resistant to deer, and they like full sun. The taller ones need to be stalked to keep them from toppling over because their size ranges from eight inches to eight feet.

10. Strawflower

When you think about plants that bloom in the fall, you instantly think of strawflowers. They bloom from spring to late autumn, even winter in some cases. Strawflowers enjoy full sun during the day and thrive in well-drained soil.

The flowers are cultivated for the dried flower industry and keep their form and color after drying. Most plants reach a height of two to three feet. Regularly remove dead plant material to promote side shoots and blossoms.

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