12 Household Pest Removal Methods You Need to Know NOW

Pest Removal Method
Photo by New Africa at Shutterstock

Rotate loose items to discourage pests from nesting.

Regularly move around loosely stored items, like toiletries, towels, plastic bags, and under-sink products. Cockroaches and many other household pests love to nest in them.

If you use this pest removal method, it disrupts that process, and you’ll avoid having nasty critters making a home in YOUR home!

Try a few ant-repellent herbs.

As we’ve mentioned, pests, including ants, detest the pungent odors of some herbs. We recommend placing pots of pennyroyal, rue, tansy, mint, or dried clusters of these herbs near any trouble spots you might have.

You can also regularly wipe down windowsills with eucalyptus oil or clove oil.

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