5 Beautiful Plants That Will Bring Color to Your Garden This Fall

plants that will bring color
Image By Elena_Alex_Ferns From Shutterstock

Japanese Maple

If you are looking for a bigger plant, why not aim for a decorative tree? This species of Japanese maple is absolutely loved across its native country, and it makes for a gorgeous way to beautify your fall landscape, as you can definitely count on it to bring color to your yard and push away the depressive grays of late fall.

Japanese maples are known for their feather-like leaves and their graceful appearance and dance when they fall, along with their popular appearance, which makes them the perfect accent tree for any landscape job. These tree leaves will end up turning a variety of colors in the fall, the most common being either orange, crimson, or gold!

If you are lucky, your Japanese maple variety may be one of the special ones that can turn all these colors in turn as the seasons pass. The only thing you need to be careful of is that you do not plant this tree if you live in a hotter area of the country!

What makes Japanese maples have their leaves change color is exactly the fact that the climate is getting colder, and if you live in a hotter area, your tree may not end up changing color or have the same vibrancy that you would expect!

Maybe these plants are not your cup of tea, as some of them can be a bit finicky when it comes to taking care of them. However, there are a few shrubs that are both low-maintenance, and they are going to grow extremely fast. Read all about them and the benefits of having shrubs in your garden here!

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