5 Beautiful Plants That Will Bring Color to Your Garden This Fall

plants that will bring color
Image Courtesy of Amazon

Mexican Feathergrass

Maybe the plant that will bring color to your yard is not going to be a flower or a shrub. Maybe you are more into different types of plants and you want a high-impact garden that will be colorful even during the fall without having to worry about flowers or a lot of pruning!

The answer to your dilemma if you cannot find such a plant lies in the Mexican feathergrass. Not only is it a low-maintenance plant that is evergreen and deciduous, but it tolerates droughts like a champ, so you do not have to worry about them too much.

What you can expect is that its feather life stalks will end up changing color during the fall, as they will turn a beautiful amber color that will bring the color you want to your yard!

You will have to be careful though, as they do thrive most in direct or partial sunlight, and while they can end up going 2 feet wide and tall, they can also spread across your yard easily, so make sure you keep them contained!

If this type of grass has caught your attention, then make sure you get to planting it as soon as possible! Since it is easy to maintain and care for, it is the perfect choice for your yard. You can even buy your seeds from Amazon, and they will be delivered right to your door!

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