Why Are My Calla Lilies Drooping? (Reasons + Solutions)


Each year, millions of cut flowers die from the same problem: drooping. This is a common issue for calla lilies. 

The good news is that there are several ways to keep these beautiful but troublesome flowers from dying in this way.

Why Do Calla Lilies Droop?

There are two main reasons why a plant’s leaves or flowers might droop: too much water or not enough water. Other contributing factors could include overfertilizing, incorrect soil moisture, or an imbalance of nutrients. Too much nitrogen in the soil can cause leaves to droop.

Here are the different causes of a drooping calla lily.

Too Much Water

When a calla lily is getting too much water, the leaves will start to droop. This is because the roots are not able to get the oxygen they need from the water.

The amount of water you use also depends on the type of soil you have and where you live; if it’s a humid area, for example, your plants will need more water.

Additionally, when your canna lilies start to droop, it could mean that the soil is either too damp or that they’re not getting enough sun.

Watering your canna lilies properly is essential to their growth, and it’s important to get a routine going so you can determine how much water they need.

Not Enough Water

If a calla lily doesn’t get enough water, the leaves and stems will start to droop. This is because the plant isn’t getting the hydration it needs to stay healthy. It can happen at any stage of growth, but it is most likely to happen when a plant is in its most active growth phase.

Excess Moisture

If you notice your calla lilies drooping, it is likely due to too much moisture.

Check the soil around the plants to see if it is compacted or if there are any drainage issues.

Nitrogen Overload or Fertilization

Excess nitrogen can also lead to leggy growth. Calla lilies need a lot of water and nutrients to grow, so fertilizer should be used sparingly. Otherwise, the fertilizer can build up in the soil and cause problems for the plant.

Temperature Changes

This is one of the common mistakes gardeners make when caring for their plants. Drooping calla lilies are usually caused by sudden changes in temperature. If the plant is not accustomed to the new temperature, it will go into shock and droop.

Pests and Diseases

There are several pests and diseases that can cause a calla lily to droop. Fungal diseases can weaken the stem and buds, causing them to droop. Aphids can also attack calla lilies, sucking the sap from the plant and causing the leaves to wilt. Pests and diseases like to attack canna lilies, which can cause their leaves to droop.


The main reason a calla lily droops is poor drainage.

There’s not much you can do about the fact that different regions have distinct soil types. Of course, regardless of the type of soil you have, good drainage is essential for all plants!

Fungal and Bacterial Colonies

Calla lilies can be infected with fungal and bacterial colonies, which leads to plant rot. The different types of plant rot depend on the causative organism.

Fungal root rot is caused by several different species of fungi, including Phytophthora, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia. These fungi attack the roots and cause them to decay.

To diagnose root rot, remove the lilies from the soil and examine the roots. Unhealthy or decaying roots are black or dark brown and slimy. They also give off an unpleasant odor.


Plants use light as a signal to direct their growth. This is called phototropism. Plants that grow toward sunlight are said to be positive phototropic, while those that grow away from sunlight are negative phototropic.

Calla lilies tend to be positive phototropic, meaning they grow toward the sun. This can be a problem if you want them to grow in your garden, because they may need to be relocated frequently. You can help keep them upright and growing by rotating your pot or garden plant daily.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal condition that can affect calla lilies. The fungus thrives in shady and wet places, so it’s important to space the plants and water the soil rather than the foliage to avoid it.

Powdery mildew can be easy to miss at first, but it’s important to catch it early.

Top-Heavy Blooms

Top-heavy blooms can cause a calla lily to droop. A support structure, such as a stake or trellis, can help keep the plant upright and prevent the blooms from weighing it down.

How Can You Fix and Stop Calla Lilies from Drooping?

Fixing Water Problems

Make sure that you check the soil regularly to ensure that it is not too dry or too wet.

Try to water the plants every few days, or when the top layer of soil is dry.

You should also ensure that your soil is of good quality and has proper drainage.

Calla lilies need to be watered regularly, about every three days.

If your soil is poor and there is no drainage, overwatering will kill the calla lilies. Sometimes, if you dig up the rhizome and put it on a windowsill, you may be able to save the plant.

Fixing Drooping Caused by Disease and Pests

Start by treating the soil with well-treated soil and spraying the whole garden or area where the plants will be grown. This will help to prevent a range of fungal diseases which can cause droop in calla lilies.

If your plant is already infected with powdery mildew, cut off and discard infected stems and foliage to stop the spread of the disease.

There are a variety of options available to treat powdery mildew, depending on the type and severity of the infection, including milk, copper fungicide, or another option.

Always do what is said in our articles about specific diseases or pests, because the advice may be different depending on where you live.

Fixing Drooping Caused by Fertilizing

Calla lilies need fertilizing, but too much fertilization can cause them to droop or wilt. Calla lilies do best when they are fertilized with manure a long time before they are planted.

You can also add manure to the soil before planting to start the feeding process. To make the calla lily grow faster, you could also fertilize it with a diluted fish mixture.

Fixing Drooping Caused by Temperature Changes

Calla lilies are not frost resistant and should be brought indoors during the winter.

To stop drooping, make sure the ground is warm before replanting them and allow them to reach dormancy naturally.

You can also remove the leaves and store the bulb in a mesh bag in cool, dry conditions.

When planting calla lilies in spring, make sure the soil is warmed up to 16 degrees Celsius (60 degrees Fahrenheit).

Replanting Calla Lilies

If your calla lilies are drooping, the best way to fix the problem is to replant them. Check for root problems and treat them if necessary.

Make sure the soil in your garden bed is amended well and that the pH level is correct.

Once you have accomplished this, they will appear as good as new. If your calla lily leaves are curling, you can gently straighten them out. Before releasing them, take care to gently bend them back up for at least 20 minutes.

If you can’t overwinter them in your home, try to plant them in potting mix and water them biweekly with diluted fish mixture.

Fixing Drooping Caused by Root Rot

If the plant has root rot, you should move it to a pot with better drainage.

Use a good growing medium to cut down on how much water your calla lily needs.

To avoid root rot in the future, keep an eye on how much water the plant is getting and use potting soil that drains well.

You can also fertilize the roots and rhizomes to help with the quality of your soil.

Should I Cut Drooping Calla Lilies?

If your calla lilies are drooping, it is best to only trim them if they are unsalvageable. This is because if they are not getting enough water, cutting them will not help. Instead, simply give them a little bit of water, and within a few hours they will be vibrant and lovely once more.

If root rot is too far along, you may want to put them in a tall vase. Fresh water may also bring them back to life, giving you a few more days to enjoy them.

However, if the issue is something else, such as a lack of sunlight or a bug infestation, then cutting them will not help. Instead, you should try to address the underlying problem.

How Do You Keep Calla Lilies Upright?

Calla lilies grow towards sunlight to get more sunlight. To encourage a calla lily to grow upright, rotate the pot every day.

When planting calla lilies, space them 12 to 18 inches apart to allow for a full and beautiful display of foliage.

When the plants first emerge in the spring, provide them with a cage structure to help them grow strong and compact.

What Are Some Prevention Tips to Keep in Mind?

There are a few things you can do to prevent your calla lilies from drooping:

  • Water them regularly and fertilize them to keep them healthy.
  • Once the greenery starts to fade, stop watering them so they don’t die back.
  • Move them to a dark area after the greenery has dimmed so they can start watering again in a few months.
  • If you store them in a cold area or lift them during colder months, they should be less likely to droop.

Final Thoughts

There are a number of reasons why your calla lilies might be drooping, but with the right care, you can get them back to looking their best.

Be sure to water and fertilize regularly, get rid of pests and diseases, and provide adequate sunlight and drainage.

Care for your calla lilies properly, and they will continue to bloom beautifully for years to come with minimal work.