Shht! This Designer Shared 5 Secret Ways to Add a POP of Color in Any Room

how to add color
Image By Simon Annable From Shutterstock

How to add color 3: A colorful rug is the pop of color you need!

Yes, it may not seem like this is how to add color to your home, but it is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to do it. All you need to do is invest in a rug of your choice that has the pattern, details, or color scheme you love, and then add it to a room or hallway that you feel needs a bit more brightness or personality.

Not to mention, you can always get other ones if you feel the need for something new, relocate the rug you have to another space, or even sell it. It is an easy and simple way to ease both yourself and your family into more colorful decor.

What’s more, you can always add a long runner to an unexpected place in your home. You can find colorful rugs for every room and in any shape, and they are guaranteed to add dimension to any place in the home you add them to!

If you do not know where to start when it comes to adding some colorful rugs to your decor, we suggest you start with a smaller one. This one you can find on Amazon is going to look great anywhere from your entryway all the way to your living room or office, and it comes with the perk of being washable!