6 Best Plants to Keep Deer Away From Your Garden

keep deer away
Image By Carlos Pereira M From Shutterstock


Rosemary is known for its properties in traditional medicine and also for its many culinary uses, but a lot of people do not know that rosemary is also very useful when it comes to keeping deer away from your garden.

Rosemary is known to be a really pungent herb garden, and if you are in a warm climate, it can also become a perennial instead of an annual, like it is in temperate and cold climates. The strong fragrance of this herb is too much for the deer, so they definitely stay away from them, which makes them a great choice for your garden when it comes to deterring them.

Not only will it also be useful in the kitchen or any DIYs you may want to give a try, but if you are in a warm climate, you will also be able to enjoy this herb when it blooms, as it has some beautiful, delicate purple blossoms.

A great way to start your new garden that will keep away deer is to plant your seeds in starting pots before transferring them to the soil. Here are some great ones you can buy in bulk on Amazon for only $5 when on sale!