6 Best Plants to Keep Deer Away From Your Garden

keep deer away
Image By pixy_nook From Shutterstock


This gorgeous plant is an annual delight to have planted in containers and even just in your garden for an added pop of color. Heliotropes are known for their vibrant purple, but they are actually a plant that comes in a wide variety of colors, as there are about 324 species of this genus of plant, so do not be surprised if you find some in other colors as well.

This plant is also going to keep deer away from your garden, as the animal absolutely hates the texture of its foliage (which is said to be akin to sandpaper), and the fragrance is something that deer despise, so having these around your garden could end up deterring them from coming back.

Despite this, there is a drawback to this plant: if you have cats or dogs, keep in mind that this plant is highly toxic to them, and if your furry pets are known to chew on your plants as well, you may want to avoid this one for their sake.

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