5 Easy Cleaning Hacks That Everyone Can Do!

Image By fizkes From Shutterstock

Make floors spotless with the use of tea!

Yes, you read that right. If you have hardwood floors, a black tea mixture may be the solution for getting that gentle sheen on them without having to spend a fortune on cleaning supplies.

The tannins in the tea can end up giving them the sheen you desire, and this cleansing method is a non-toxic and fairly cheap way to clean your floors.

Not to mention, some studies suggest that black tea compounds can inhibit microbial growth, so you may be onto something there!

Just be careful if you have light floors, as the tea can end up staining them; avoid them completely if you have super light ones!

Either way, you do not have to use too much tea on the floors for this to work. Boil four to six cups of water, and then steep two black tea bags in them for about 10 minutes.

After removing the tea bags, let the mixture cool completely, then use the mixture on the floor with a cleaning pad or a mop.

Speaking of cleaning, do you know the items you should be cleaning daily? There are many items that we neglect to wipe down as often as we should, and these ones are the most neglected in most households! Check out our article here to see if you are missing the most important spots as well!

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