5 Easy Cleaning Hacks That Everyone Can Do!

cleaning hacks
Image By FotoHelin From Shutterstock

DIY natural carpet deodorizer.

One thing you may have noticed after you do a deep cleaning of the home is that it tends to lose that clean smell pretty fast. If you like to have nicely-smelling living spaces when you’ve got carpet, we’ve got your back.

All you will need is to mix together about four tablespoons of baking soda with up to fifteen drops of essential oils of your choice (with a minimum of five and adding so that you get the intensity that you desire; you can even mix together several of them to get the scent you want).

The easiest way to mix them is to add them to a jar and shake it vigorously until it is well mixed.

Then sprinkle the mixture on your freshly cleaned carpets and let it sit for about an hour.
After the time is up, vacuum the mixture and enjoy your fragrant and clean-smelling space!

Make sure you do not allow kids or animals on the carpet in the meantime, as essential oils can harm animals, and you do not want small children to accidentally ingest the mixture, even if it is fairly harmless.

Whether you want to give this hack a try or you have a diffuser, we recommend that you use high-quality essential oils to get the best fragrances. These ones you can get on Amazon are our favorites, and they are both affordable and smell amazing!