Indoor Fruit Trees: 5 Best Ones to Grow Year-Round at Home!

indoor fruit tree
Image By Ivan Semenovych From Shutterstock

Lemon (Citrus limon)

There are a lot of different types of lemon trees, but it is true that some of them make for some amazing indoor fruit trees. If you have seen a groove of lemons, those species of lemon trees will not be appropriate for your home, despite the big and prodigious fruits they produce (some of them can reach 5 pounds).

These indoor fruit trees would end up growing way too big to handle in the home, so if you are getting a Ponderosa lemon tree, know that at some point you may have to move it outside in a garden. The more appropriate species that would make the perfect indoor lemon tree are Meyer lemons.

They will produce smaller fruit, but they will be easier to manage in an indoor setting. Keep an eye out for the spring blossoms; they will be white flowers with lavender backings, and then in the fall, you will see the tree make fruits.

Lemon trees are great to have around, and they make for great decorations while also giving you fruits to enjoy in the fall.

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