Indoor Fruit Trees: 5 Best Ones to Grow Year-Round at Home!

indoor fruit tree
Image By Fanni_2021 From Shutterstock

Dwarf Pomegranate (Punica granatum ‘Nana’)

While the name may make you think about grandma, the Latin term actually translates to small. And if you have always wanted an indoor fruit tree but are worried about space and the size they can take, make sure that you check out the dwarf pomegranate tree.

They are miniature pomegranate trees, and they end up blossoming in the summer, only to be followed by small pomegranate fruits.

As long as they have a warm environment, they are evergreen trees, and they will bring some color and brightness to your home despite the season. Take note not to let them stay at temperatures below 50°F, as they will lose their leaves and be quite sad until winter passes.

However, if you happen to live in a dryer climate with low humidity, this little indoor fruit tree will not give you problems!

If you are looking for a way to bring some color to your yard despite the season, then this article is going to be the best for you: 5 Beautiful Plants That Will Bring Color to Your Garden This Fall

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