9 Plants That Will Scare Respiratory Problems Away

rubber plant
Photo by Mid Tran Designer from Shutterstock

5. Rubber Plant

Rubber plants are excellent at improving air quality as they produce higher levels of chlorophyll than other houseplants, which automatically means more oxygen. High exposure to airborne particles in your house can, in the long run, lead to frequent headaches, allergies, asthma, and other serious respiratory illnesses.

If you struggle with one of these health conditions, then a rubber plant may be exactly what your lungs need. According to the same NASA study, this indoor plant also removes carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, all of which are the main culprits of indoor air pollution.

It can absorb up to 90% of the pollutants found in your house in just 48 hours! The leaves grow pretty fast, contributing to the removal of harmful substances like mold and other allergens. Whether you’re dealing with respiratory issues or simply want to breathe fresher air indoors, the rubber plant is a must in your house!

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