6 New Invasive Species Brought On by Climate Change

new invasive species
Photo by Ron Rowan Photography at Shutterstock

5. Japanese Beetle

This is probably the worst new invasive species that is rapidly taking over the US. And what is even worse is that this species has no known predators. These insects can quickly damage fruit trees, vegetables, lawns, and flowers. Adults eat leaves and fruits, while larvae eat roots.

Despite the fact that it has been invading American territory for almost a century, until 2015, it was mostly found in all states east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of Florida. But today, this new invasive species, the Japanese beetle, can be found in a lot of western states, such as Oklahoma, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Arkansas, Missouri, and Colorado.

According to the scientists who led studies about these insects, the high temperature will make them migrate to the north, meaning that their territory will extend to Canada at some point.

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