7 BEST Plants That Thrive in Low-Light Bathrooms!

low-light bathroom
Image By JADEZMITH From Shutterstock

7. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

  • Light exposure needs: only indirect light
  • Type of soil: well-draining potting soil, loamy variety

If you love a good fern and would love to have one in your low-light bathroom, look no further than the Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata).

While a lot of us have gotten used to seeing it on the shaded porches of Southern houses, this fern is going to live its best life in a low-light bathroom, basking in the humidity of the environment.

This is a low-maintenance plant as long as you make sure it has soil that is going to drain well, and you will not have to worry about only having little lighting in your bathroom.

Since we are talking about beautiful plants that you can keep in your home with little maintenance, you should look into fruit trees! These ones here will make for some amazing indoor fruit trees that will give you some delicious fruits!

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