7 BEST Plants That Thrive in Low-Light Bathrooms!

low-light bathroom
Image By Mid Tran Designer From Shutterstock

5. Alaonema (Aglaonema commutatum)

  • Light exposure needs: indirect light
  • Type of soil: potting soil mix, based on peat

A lot of the recommendations for low-light bathroom plants out there end up recommending the (albeit gorgeous) vining plants, which will bring some brightness with their green, but not much else to the color scheme. If you are looking for something more bold and colorful, we have just the plant for you!

Aglaonema (Aglaonema commutatum), which you may know by its more often-used name of Chinese evergreen, is just the plant to bring that pop of color to your low-light bathroom. Full of personality and coming in amazing patterns and myriads of bright colors, this plant is going to bring new air and personality to your bathroom, making it perfect for a small space.

Make sure you have a window sill to place it on, as that’s its preferred space, and you are set with a bold and bright plant for your bathroom.

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