7 BEST Plants That Thrive in Low-Light Bathrooms!

low-light bathroom
Image By Jus_Ol From Shutterstock

6. Calathea

  • Light exposure needs: bright to low, indirect light
  • Type of soil: well-draining, yet moist soil

Coming from the Marantaceae family, if you are a plant enthusiast like we are, you will know the Calathea as a staple in the Prayer plant family.

This genus got this peculiar nickname due to their behavior between day and night: while during the daytime you will be greeted with their big leaves staying open, come nighttime the leaves will turn up as if they were praying!

Not only is this fun plant a joy to have around, but they love to be in humid spaces, which will make your low-light bathroom a great spot for them.

Just make sure you have enough space, as over time this plant can end up becoming quite a big specimen!

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