Designers Are Sick and Tired of These 4 Bathroom Colors

bathroom colors
Photo by Aleks Kend at Shutterstock

1. Dark purple

This is one of those mysterious and elegant colors that give off a sense of luxury and sophistication. Maybe you imagine that you will have a cool bathroom like the ones you see in the movies where the mob boss goes to relax after a long day, but in reality, designers consider this one of the worst bathroom colors.

This hue is incredibly intense and not a relaxing color at all. It’s very dark, which makes the space seem smaller, and this can be overwhelming for a bathroom. This happens because the dark color absorbs the light, and because of this, using this color in a bathroom that lacks natural color is even worse.

Besides this psychological impact that can cause discomfort, this is also a difficult color to combine with other elements. Tiles, fixtures, and accents must be carefully selected to go well with this color.

So, if you don’t have the time to plan how to decorate the bathroom, you are claustrophobic, or you don’t have natural light in that bathroom, you better skip this color.

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