5 Best Organization Tips for a Senior-Friendly Kitchen

senior-friendly kitchen
Image By yampi From Shutterstock

4. Senior-friendly kitchen: Lightning placing

If you can add these spotlights where they are needed when you build your kitchen, you already have a senior kitchen on your hands. However, if you are only now thinking about this, do not fret. You do not need to replace everything because you did not add lights to dim areas or the pantry. You can easily add some LED sticks to lamps in the areas where you need them!

Additionally, you need to make sure that your light switches are accessible and easy to use. As you age, you can also consider getting a few automated lights in the kitchen so that they turn on when you are in the kitchen. That way, you both get a more accessible, senior-friendly kitchen, and you get rid of the possibility of having to pay extra because you forgot the lights on!

The best thing yet, you can buy LED stick-on lamps from Amazon! They are fairly inexpensive, and they are going to help you add more lighting to your kitchens in the spaces you require without having to redo your whole space!

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