5 Best Organization Tips for a Senior-Friendly Kitchen

senior-friednly kitchen
Image By David Papazian From Shutterstock

2. Senior-friendly kitchen MUST: No-slip floor!

A senior-friendly kitchen has a lot of important functions, but one that you cannot ignore is the one that implies limited hazards. This means that you need to look at all the elements that could end up posing a hazard to an older person, including the possibility of them needing a walking aid, since you never know what life has in store for you.

As a result, a senior kitchen that will not pose any problems to them is going to have a no-slip floor. What we mean by no slip is that you should make sure that there is as little chance as possible of anyone slipping or tripping in your kitchen. Your floors need to be level and not have any level changes when it comes to the actual tiles in your kitchen, and you should also make sure that your thresholds are level to minimize the potential tripping hazard.

What’s more, you should be careful about the material you choose for your kitchen floors. No matter your age, glossy tiles are going to be a hazard because they are more slippery and they also create a lot of glare due to the lights. Our recommendation, if you can, is to go for hardwood floors; not only are they durable, but some types of wood are softer and thus more comfortable to walk on, and they can reduce knee, hip, and even ankle pain.

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