11 Intimate Things Your House Reveals About You

cereal box
Photo by goffkein.pro from Shutterstock

4. How much you weigh

Among the things your house reveals about you is your weight, too. A Cornell University study discovered that women who had one box of breakfast cereal in plain sight on the kitchen counter weighed about 20 pounds more than those who didn’t have any cereal sitting out.

Also, women with soft drinks in plain view (even diet kinds) weighed an average of 24 pounds more. The study also showed that people who had a bowl full of fruits in the kitchen weighed about 13 pounds less than those who had no fruit at all in their kitchen.

5. How often you’re intimate

Some things your house reveals about you shouldn’t actually be there in plain sight. After all, who would want other people to know details about their intimate lives? But let’s see some of the things that give away your romance in the bedroom.

According to a British survey, if you have purple decor in your bedroom, you have almost double the intimacy of those with gray walls, bedding, or furniture. Pinks and reds also seem to spice things up, while white and beige may inhibit intimacy.

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