6 Places You Need to Declutter Right NOW!


Start to declutter your home and make your space more accessible and comfortable!

Decluttering is an activity that many of us hate, but once we take care of it, we feel better than ever. From time to time, getting rid of the things you don’t need anymore is a must. The most effective strategy is to declutter when seasons change.

The problem is that most of the time people don’t know where to begin. Houses are big, and the decluttering process can get quite complicated. The kitchen, the garage, or the attic? Where should you start?

The secret is that you can start from wherever you want, but there are some places that you need to always declutter. This is what we want to talk about in this article. Let’s see what these places are so you can make the best strategy for your next decluttering session!

Image by Maria Surtu from Shutterstock

1. Bedrooms

Maybe when you think about decluttering, the bedrooms are not the first on your list, but for a full decluttering process, you need to do that.

When you start to declutter your bedrooms, you just need to follow some simple steps. Start with the nightstand. This is the number one spot where people leave useless things in their bedrooms.

Try to stick to the essentials. A lamp for reading, a book or journal, a glass of water, and an alarm clock or your phone should be enough. Any non-essential objects, such as old receipts, random papers, or unused gadgets, can be stored elsewhere or discarded.

Then you can take care of bedding. Change the bedsheets, then check if you have old, worn-out sets that you no longer use or ones that no longer fit your style. This helps you have only fresh, cozy, and purposeful bedding.

2. Outdoor spaces

When you start to declutter your home, you should never forget about your outdoor spaces. The best time to declutter them is when the fall starts because you are already preparing for winter, and this makes everything easier.

First of all, you will need to clean the patio furniture and decide where to store it. When the weather gets chilly, you can absolutely be sure that you are not going to use that furniture anymore. So as a way to protect it, you should store it somewhere inside.

If you are into gardening, you should try to declutter your gardening tools. Many times you have old tools that you are no longer using or tools that simply stay untouched. Clear out the shed and ensure you only have what you need for next year.

Then you should take care of outdoor storage areas. Sheds, garages, and storage bins can easily get crowded with various seasonal items. Take your time and sort the items. Throw away what you don’t need or donate these items if they are in good condition.

3. Pantry

Try to be true to yourself. When was the last time you cleaned your pantry? This is one of those places where all of us just put things until we have too much and we don’t know what to do with them.

So, you should regularly declutter your pantry and see what is worth keeping and what is not. You can start by checking the labels and looking at the expiration date. Get rid of all expired items. Canned goods, sauces, snacks, and dry goods, and toss anything past its expiration date. You won’t believe how much space this will free up!

However, the pantry is not a place where you only store food. Many times people put various things and tools they are no longer using, and this is a big problem that can be easily solved with a serious decluttering session.

4. Closets

This is one of those places where people always declutter, but it seems like it’s never enough. When summer is over, you should start looking at all of the clothes and decide what you keep and what you throw away.

Make room for fall and winter essentials like sweaters, jackets, and boots. See what you haven’t worn in the summer and decide what you are going to do with those clothes. Store away what you still wear and donate the clothes that you no longer need.

But wait, because this is not all! Where are you keeping all of your coats? You probably have a coat closet, and guess what? Many people forget about this, and they simply don’t declutter it!

Check all of your coats, jackets, and winter accessories like hats, scarves, and gloves because you probably no longer wear many of them. It’s not unusual for many folks to end up with a closet full of gloves and jackets they don’t need but they still keep because they don’t declutter.

5. Vehicles

Maybe you are using your car pretty often. Going to work, making groceries, going on road trips, or just moving around the town doesn’t matter. But one thing is clear: if you are in your car all day, you will need to declutter it more often because, let’s be real, you are keeping things inside the car that are not necessarily supposed to be there.

Long drives often leave behind clutter—empty water bottles, snack wrappers, and beach sand. A good cleanup is always welcomed, and besides leaving your car fresh, it also helps you keep it organized and ready for new trips.

You can start by removing all the trash. You don’t need all that litter. Wrappers, cups, and old receipts should be gone. Then take out the vacuum and be sure you pay attention to crumbs on seats and sand or dirt in the floor mats.

After everything is sparkling clean, make sure you have the essentials in the car. We are talking about your registration and insurance documents since they should be easily accessible. This is why it is important to declutter your car to make everything more efficient.

Finally, don’t forget the small personal items that make driving more comfortable. Sunglasses, phone chargers, and even reusable grocery bags are good to have handy.

Image by SeventyFour from Shutterstock

6. Living areas

Ok, you might believe that your living room can’t be full of clutter because you are there all the time. But this is the exact reason why this is happening. Yes, this is not a place like the closet where you can store things and then forget about them, but instead, it is a room where you engage in various activities, social or not, and many times this means random things stored everywhere.

Blankets, throw pillows, decorative items, hobby items, or toys are the main items you can find in the living room. Take a moment and think about what you will still use and what you need to get rid of. Gather all the items you still want and find them a more suitable place to store them.

Pick up all the items and place them in boxes. This makes it easier to organize them. You can also get some storage bins and keep them in the living room. Find a place for them, and be sure to always put the items there when you are no longer using them.

If you want a clutter-free pantry, this might help you: Moforoco Over The Door Pantry Organizer, Pantry Door Organizer Shelves, Kitchen Organizers and Storage

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