10 Small Trees That Will Make Your Landscape More Beautiful

small tree
Photo by Barbara Smits from Shutterstock

1. Crabapple

The little crabapple tree will dazzle you and your entire neighborhood with its festive charm! You can pick from a large selection of amazing flowers that come in white, pink, and red hues. The pink ones are my favorites so far! They are renowned for producing fruit in a variety of colors, including red, orange, and gold. They can have spherical, weeping, and columnar forms.

The “Prairifire” variety, one of the most attractive, is well recognized for its disease resistance as well as for its crimson leaves and rich pink blooms. The height and width can range from 6 to 30 feet, depending on the type you choose. If you wish to grow a tree similar to this in your outdoor space, check that the soil is mediumly moist, well-drained, and exposed to a lot of sunlight.

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