10 Easy-Going Plants You Can Revive in a Heartbeat

sago palm
Photo by Elena_Gr from Shutterstock

4. Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)

The sago palm is another popular indoor plant with an inaccurate common name—it’s not a plan tree but actually a species of the cycad family believed to have been around since before the Jurassic period.

As a houseplant, it grows very slowly, and the best idea would be to get a mature plant, as propagation can take years. A sago palm may only grow one leaf per year, so don’t expect lots of new foliage to pop out during its growing period. Do take care when handling the pinnate fronds, as they get bent quite easily.

This easy-going plant doesn’t require too much attention, but it’s important to provide it with above-average humidity levels and plenty of bright light, and don’t overwater it.

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