7 BEST Plants That Thrive in Low-Light Bathrooms!

zz plant, low-light bathrooms
Photo by Stephanie Pomerenke from Shutterstock

1. ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

  • Light exposure needs: indirect light, low to partial exposure
  • Type of soil: any type of commercial potting soil

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, commonly known as ZZ plants or aroid palms, are some of the easiest plants to take care of. And now they come with the added bonus that they are also great for low-light bathrooms.

Due to the fact that they thrive in low light and do not need to be constantly watered, the ZZ plant makes for one of the best low-maintenance and shaded spot plants you can find on the market these days.

You can let them dry out in between watering them, and they will still thrive, especially in an environment that is more humid, like the bathroom.

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