8 Items You Shouldn’t Store on the Top of Your Fridge, According to Safety Experts

items you shouldn't store on the top of your fridge
Photo by Elena Veselova from shutterstock.com

5. Cereal

Cereal boxes never seem to fit in kitchen cabinets, do they? Depending on how big they are, there may not be enough space to store them upright. Place them on their side, and you risk spills, especially if the box isn’t closed before it’s put away.

Oh, but hey! There’s space above the fridge, and it has no height restrictions! Unfortunately, this spot isn’t a great idea. Unstable and lightweight, cereal boxes are a hazard trifecta: they block ventilation, they’re flammable, and they can easily fall on or behind the refrigerator.

Moreover, if left open, cereal stales quickly and can also attract pests, which is a food and household safety hazard.

Next time you feel tempted to put them up there, remember they are items you shouldn’t store on the top of your fridge. Instead, keep them in a cupboard or your pantry using airtight food-storage containers, which keep your food fresh.

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