8 Items You Shouldn’t Store on the Top of Your Fridge, According to Safety Experts

air fryer
Photo by Casezy idea from Shutterstock

4. Small appliances

Storing appliances that don’t see daily use, like air fryers and rice cookers, can be a challenge. Some can be pretty bulky, which means getting them out of the way is a priority. At the same time, you don’t want to make it super difficult to drag them out when needed.

So the top of the refrigerator may seem like the best spot for that. If cupboard space is limited, that is some prime real estate.

You may want to think twice, though, because small appliances are also items you shouldn’t store on the top of your fridge. The main reason is that they can easily shift and fall. Every time you open and close the refrigerator door, the appliance from above moves ever so slightly, potentially getting closer to the edge.

For this reason, it’s best to store somewhere else this kind of stuff.

Read on to discover other items you shouldn’t store on the top of your fridge!

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