6 BEST Kitchen Colors to Make Your Space Seem Bigger

kitchen color
Image By New Africa From Shutterstock


A lot of the time, in order to hide the fact that the kitchen is small, realtors will share the kitchen and living space. That’s why delineating your spaces is a great idea, even if you will leave the impression that the kitchen is small.

Like that, you can easily use a bolder color to create that divide without needing anything physical to differentiate the space. You can always count on a rose color for the kitchen walls, as they will open up immediately.

Not only is the crisp pink bold enough without being an eyesore, but the hue is generally soft and neutral enough in certain lights that it will give the impression that the kitchen is bigger than you thought and has a whole new personality.

Before you commit to any kitchen color, make sure you know what you have in mind. If you are not sure certain colors work, invest in a color swatch and mix and match until you are sure about it. This one from Amazon has a lot of colors, and it is more useful than you could ever imagine!

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