11 Houseplants That Are Suitable for Pet Owners


Do you have a dog or a cat? These are the best pet-friendly houseplants 

Hello there, plant lovers! I am happy to be here again with the Home Team crew to delight you with another article about plants, of course. Plant lovers who also have pets should be aware of which indoor plants are suitable for cats and dogs. Make sure you buy pet-friendly houseplants for your home because dogs and cats may be tempted to chew on and devour them out of curiosity or silliness.

Aren’t you 100% sure which houseplants are suitable for you and your furry friend? Take a seat, because I am about to give you a list of all the pretty flowers that are non-toxic and safe for everybody to have around:

pet-friendly houseplants
Photo by Milan Jain from Shutterstock

1. Venus fly trap

You’d love to have a cutie like this one in your home! Besides being one of those pet-friendly houseplants, Venus fly traps are also super easy to take care of! Although carnivorous plants are an interesting and stylish addition to any houseplant collection, what happens if your cat decides to jump on one of the traps before they close? Due to the non-toxicity of Venus fly traps (Dionaea muscipula) to cats and dogs, a curious nibble won’t require a trip to the clinic.

Place it somewhere with full sun during the day, and make sure you water it with distilled water.

2. Banana tree

If you’ve got enough space for a larger plant that’s also one of the pet-friendly houseplants, go big for the banana tree. It can grow to a height of six feet or more, while the dwarf species’s height is between two and four feet.

In tropical cooking, a central stem divides into long, broad leaves that are occasionally used to steam or serve meals that are safe for both humans and pets. However, keep in mind that this particular plant requires conditions similar to its natural habitat, which is tropical. Provide your banana tree with a large pot, regular watering, well-drained soil, and a lot of sunshine.

I hope I won’t disappoint you by saying this plant will never produce fruits if it’s kept in an apartment.

 3. Spider plant

Also known as Chlorophytum, this nice plant is great for any pet owner who is also a fan of houseplants. Usually fit for hanging baskets or a top shelf, the spider plant is also easy to take care of as long as it receives enough sun during the day.

Water it frequently and plant it in loose, fertile soil. The spider plant loves moderate shade; complete shadow may hinder development, while too much sun can burn leaves. The common name “spider plant” for this houseplant comes from the little plantlets that emerge on the branches as the plant matures.

4. Friendship plant

The friendship plant lives up to its name from all points of view. Being among the nicest pet-friendly houseplants, the friendship plant is a hanging plant that grows well in high humidity. It thrives in terrarium conditions, which further reduces the likelihood that your dog or cat would nibble without permission. Plus, it will look nice in any room of your house!

Are you looking for a terrarium to put your friendship plant in? Look no further, because I already found something nice for you. This glass slant-cut bubble bowl (H-6″ W-7″) is what you need! Small, nice, and made of durable glass, it costs less than $20. Order it now from Amazon. 

5. Polka dot plant

Hypoestes phyllostachya’s (its scientific name) splashing foliage in shades of green, pink, red, or white is so beautiful that you won’t have to worry about giving your houseplants the ideal environment to blossom. While the polka dot plant and other non-toxic plants are safe for cats and dogs to eat, it’s still safe to keep an eye on your furry friends since excessive consumption by sensitive pets may cause minor upset stomachs.

6. Bromeliad

The unusual cone-shaped blossoms and hardy, strappy leaves of bromeliad plants make them popular houseplants. These pet-friendly houseplants simply require a sunny spot and a humid atmosphere, making them simple to care for.

Choosing a bromeliad will determine its look and unique maintenance requirements; several types grow as soilless epiphytes attached to wood. You can use glue or ties to fasten them to the log. A soil-free houseplant, such as a bromeliad, has the benefit of removing the possibility of a soil catastrophe if your pet digs up or topples your potted plants.

pet-friendly houseplants
Photo by Patrycja Nowak from Shutterstock

7. Chinese money plant

The Chinese money plant is peculiar, non-toxic, and produces offspring with enthusiasm. And what do you know? We refer to the infants as “pups.” How appropriate. Medium to bright light completely satisfies the waxy, glossy, coin-like leaves.

Additionally, multiply puppies as soon as you notice them beginning to mature and offer them to other people. This is supposed to bring good luck! For it to develop symmetrically, you must rotate it and water it once every two weeks.

8. Ponytail palm

Beaucarnea recurvata, often known as the ponytail palm, has so much personality that your pet may want to become friends with it. or swipe at the fronds that hang down. The notoriously plant-phobic may grow ponytail palms, which only require fertilization two or three times a year. Make sure not to overwater them, since they need dry soil.

9. Echeveria

Are you looking for some pet-friendly houseplants that are succulents? Look to buy an Echeveria. This specific plant produces fat rosettes that might be blue-green, greenish-silver, or even lilac in tone. This indoor houseplant doesn’t require constant attention, unlike other succulents, but it does need to be placed in an area that receives at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day. Since it thrives in sandy soil, water every one to two weeks, or when the soil is absolutely dry.

10. Boston Fern

Among all the pet-friendly houseplants, Boston Fern is probably the least known one. This plant is a perennial favorite in the house, although dogs and cats may be tempted to nibble on its matted fronds. Its foliage, often referred to as a sword fern, emerges straight from the plant’s center and then arches as the frond lengthens.

Since the foliage is safe to munch on for both cats and dogs, adding these luxuriant plants to your bathroom or guest room is acceptable. Humidity and abundant indirect light are ideal conditions for Boston ferns.

11. Haworthia

Last but not least of the pet-friendly houseplants is haworthia. This adorable non-succulent requires the minimum effort from you, is non-toxic, and is cute-looking. This is the perfect combo for a home full of pets! When a plant reaches maturity, it will be three to five inches tall, have fleshy green leaves in rosettes marked with white bands or warts, and generate offsets.

During the summer, water your haworthia once a week and less frequently during the winter. It is best to keep it in strong light. It is also tolerant of moderate-to-low light levels; however, if the leaves begin to turn yellow or brown, the plant is not getting enough light.

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