10 Drop-Dead Gorgeous Flowers That Bloom All Summer Long

Photo by lialina from Shutterstock

7. Mandevilla

Mandevilla, also known as rock trumpet, is a stunning tropical vine that produces large blooms from late spring to fall. This flower will make you feel like you are on vacation when relaxing in your backyard, so it’s best to give it a special place so you can enjoy it every day.

Its trumpet-shaped, five-petaled flowers are pleasingly fragrant and attractive to butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. It’s a fast grower and has large flowers that bloom in shades of yellow, red, pink, or white.

These gorgeous flowers that bloom all summer long are self-cleaning, so they don’t need deadheading. However, they will require vertical support. Another important thing to note is that its waxy, deep green foliage is highly disease- and pest-resistant.

8. Paris Daisy

Similar to other flowers that bloom all summer long, Paris daisies produce blooms through June, July, and August. They can grow up to three feet tall with green foliage and a shrubby look, which makes them perfect for mass planting.

Flower colors range from pink to pure white to bright yellow with a yellow or brown center. Some cultivars have features such as blue-green foliage or double flowers. Newer cultivars don’t need deadheading.

Care of these gorgeous flowers that bloom all summer long is pretty straightforward. The plants aren’t plagued by most pests, although the usual suspects such as mites, thrips, and aphids may occasionally assault them. If this happens, you can use pesticides like neem oil to squash the infestation before it does too much damage.

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