10 Drop-Dead Gorgeous Flowers That Bloom All Summer Long


Who doesn’t like flowers that bloom all summer long?

Annual flowers are praised for their showy, vibrant blooms that bring seasonal interest to the garden. But they come with a downside: they only have one growing season. However, even though you have to replant them every year, annuals are very versatile and lauded by both beginner and experienced gardeners alike.

They grow well as container plants, are great for filling in blank spots in border gardens, and look lovely in flower arrangements. With so many great uses, you really want to make the most out of your annual flowers during their growing season.

Fortunately, many gorgeous flowers bloom all summer long. So, next time you visit your local garden center, choose annuals that make continuous blooms throughout June, July, and August to ensure you have the prettiest garden on the block for more than a brief moment in time.

This being said, here are some gorgeous flowers that bloom all summer long!

flowers that bloom all summer long
Photo by Summer 1810 from Shutterstock

1. Border Dahlia

Depending on where you live, dahlias are either annual or perennial. Gardeners in zones 7 and below usually need to grow them as annuals (this implies overwintering the tubers at the end of the growing season and then planting them again the following year).

Luckily, that isn’t your only option. To have flowers that bloom all summer long, choose smaller varieties of dahlias. Also known as border dahlias, these are often sold already in bloom with annuals.

They will bloom throughout June, July, August, and up into the fall. Since they are usually bought after they have flowered, you can expect the blooms of the border dahlias to last longer. Deadhead spent flower heads to encourage more growth.

2. Lantana

Perfect for beginner gardeners or homeowners battling tough growing conditions, annual lantanas are among the flowers that bloom all summer long. The best part? They are virtually indestructible.

But that’s not all. According to experts, lantana thrives in hot, dry sun, invites hummingbirds and pollinators, won’t be eaten by deer or rabbits, and doesn’t need deadheading. They recommend cutting them back by a third to a half in mid-summer or so to promote compact growth and a fresh round of blooms.

The colorful lantana will definitely make your garden stand out among those of your neighbors.

3. Tuberous begonias

Grown as annuals in most parts of the country, these flowers that bloom all summer long are truly spectacular. They have attractive, waxy foliage and bloom in vibrant, saturated colors.

They are fairly low-maintenance and don’t like scorching sun. Some varieties have less showy flowers but are lauded for their attractive foliage. When kept indoors, they are capable of blooming non-stop, depending on the variety.

If you choose begonias for your garden, give them a spot with plenty of morning light and filtered light in the afternoon. Make sure you remove wilted leaves and spent flowers to encourage continuous blooms and keep the plants healthy.

4. Narrowleaf Angelon

Narrowleaf angelon, also known as Angelonia, is an upright annual that loves the summer heat and will put on a lovely show all season long. These flowers that bloom all summer long add a cheerful splash of color to the landscape, acting like a magnet for butterflies, hummingbirds, and insect pollinators.

Spikes filled with snapdragon-like flowers bloom in shades of purple, pink, or white on stems with narrow green leaves. Foliage is faintly scented with a grape or apple-like aroma, which is more pronounced on warm evenings.

Experts recommend planting the fragrant bloomer in the spring after the risk of frost has passed. Angelonia is considered deer-resistant, though harsh conditions can result in deer grazing on plants and flowers they wouldn’t otherwise.

Read on to discover other flowers that bloom all summer long!

garden flowers
Photo by Tohuwabohu 1976 from Shutterstock

5. Garden cosmos

Annuals are known for having showy, vibrant blooms, and cosmos are no exception. They are freely flowering plants that are easy to grow by sprinkling some seeds in your garden after any threat of frost has passed. The flowers will reach full maturity in about two months.

They are available in colors ranging from orange to yellow, white, and magenta. The flowers sit atop long, slender stems and create a cloud of stunning color all summer that attracts butterflies, bees, and birds to your garden. If you love daisies, you’ll also love the cosmon because the two look similar.

If you plan to have them in your garden and live in the southern US, consider keeping your cosmos as potted plants because they tend to be invasive there.

6. Zinnia

A popular plant for gardeners, zinnias are praised for being tough, easy-to-grow annual flowers that bloom all summer long. They come in bold, vibrant colors, with new ones introduced every year, including some whites. Varieties come short, spreading, and tall.

Zinnias make outstanding cut flowers, and butterflies are in love with them. They are most common during the hot summer and the warmest autumn and spring months. You don’t need to deadhead them, but keep in mind that your zinnias may have a longer bloom period if you do.

Also, note that these flowers are susceptible to powdery mildew during the fall months, but good air circulation can solve the issue.

7. Mandevilla

Mandevilla, also known as rock trumpet, is a stunning tropical vine that produces large blooms from late spring to fall. This flower will make you feel like you are on vacation when relaxing in your backyard, so it’s best to give it a special place so you can enjoy it every day.

Its trumpet-shaped, five-petaled flowers are pleasingly fragrant and attractive to butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. It’s a fast grower and has large flowers that bloom in shades of yellow, red, pink, or white.

These gorgeous flowers that bloom all summer long are self-cleaning, so they don’t need deadheading. However, they will require vertical support. Another important thing to note is that its waxy, deep green foliage is highly disease- and pest-resistant.

8. Paris Daisy

Similar to other flowers that bloom all summer long, Paris daisies produce blooms through June, July, and August. They can grow up to three feet tall with green foliage and a shrubby look, which makes them perfect for mass planting.

Flower colors range from pink to pure white to bright yellow with a yellow or brown center. Some cultivars have features such as blue-green foliage or double flowers. Newer cultivars don’t need deadheading.

Care of these gorgeous flowers that bloom all summer long is pretty straightforward. The plants aren’t plagued by most pests, although the usual suspects such as mites, thrips, and aphids may occasionally assault them. If this happens, you can use pesticides like neem oil to squash the infestation before it does too much damage.

yarrow flowers
Photo by Svetlana Mahovskaya from Shutterstock

9. Yarrow

Yarrow is an herb plant that flowers all summer, from June to September, on stems that can reach 2 to 3 feet high. The species form features clusters of white flowers, but there are many other cultivars available that offer flowers in many colors.

These flowers that bloom all summer long were widely used in medicine before modern times to stop the flow of blood. In fact, the medicinal use of this plant is responsible for its scientific name, Achillea. Nowadays, most of us are more interested in the lovely appearance and low maintenance of yarrow than in its herbal use.

By the way, here’s a wide selection of plant pots you may want to have a look at.

10. Hibiscus

If you’re looking for a plant that boasts dramatic, bright flowers, you may want to consider tropical hibiscus. Its exotic blooms open wide in shades of yellow, pink, orange, and red.

Hibiscus plants can be grown in the ground or large containers, and you can plant them once nighttime temperatures are above 50 degrees. These flowers that bloom all summer long are fast-growing and can add up to 24 inches per year. Under ideal conditions, they can eventually reach heights of up to 15 feet.

According to experts, it’s recommended to use organic fertilizer for your hibiscus. You should also prune away dead leaves and spent flowers.

If you liked our article on flowers that bloom all summer long, you may also want to read 10 Houseplants That Crave Dark Corners.