10 Drop-Dead Gorgeous Flowers That Bloom All Summer Long

flowers that bloom all summer long
Photo by Summer 1810 from Shutterstock

1. Border Dahlia

Depending on where you live, dahlias are either annual or perennial. Gardeners in zones 7 and below usually need to grow them as annuals (this implies overwintering the tubers at the end of the growing season and then planting them again the following year).

Luckily, that isn’t your only option. To have flowers that bloom all summer long, choose smaller varieties of dahlias. Also known as border dahlias, these are often sold already in bloom with annuals.

They will bloom throughout June, July, August, and up into the fall. Since they are usually bought after they have flowered, you can expect the blooms of the border dahlias to last longer. Deadhead spent flower heads to encourage more growth.

2. Lantana

Perfect for beginner gardeners or homeowners battling tough growing conditions, annual lantanas are among the flowers that bloom all summer long. The best part? They are virtually indestructible.

But that’s not all. According to experts, lantana thrives in hot, dry sun, invites hummingbirds and pollinators, won’t be eaten by deer or rabbits, and doesn’t need deadheading. They recommend cutting them back by a third to a half in mid-summer or so to promote compact growth and a fresh round of blooms.

The colorful lantana will definitely make your garden stand out among those of your neighbors.

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