13 Things You’re Doing That Your Neighbors HATE

Image by fizkes from Shutterstock

6. Throwing parties often

Frequent load parties aren’t accepted anywhere! And, keep in mind that loud music is not the only problem. Since a party requires guests, they will take up all the street parking spots, can be seen drunk while leaving your house, and create an entirely unpleasant environment for everyone living around. By doing so, you are intruding on others’ right to peace and sleep, which is not helping at all if you want to become the neighbor of the year!

7. Your kids in their yard

Not everyone loves kids, or the noise and mess they can make in just a few minutes. So, to keep peace in your neighborhood, make sure you keep your kids away from other people’s yards. Organize a specially designed playground for them, in a place they can safely play, but also not disturb the people living nearby.

8. Your dog in their yard

We already talked about how annoying barking can be. Well, for some people, the simple presence of your pet in their yard can be very disturbing. So, make sure you keep your dog away from them and their personal space if you want to maintain the peace in the community. Dog poop is probably their biggest nightmare. So, if it happens for your dog to end up on their grass or sidewalk, make sure you clean everything immediately. Even the dirt doesn’t have anything to do with your dog, clean everything up. You don’t want to be seen as a neighbor that doesn’t clean his dog’s poop.

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