13 Things You’re Doing That Your Neighbors HATE

Image by IRINA ORLOVA from Shutterstock

3. Leaving your dog to bark for hours

All the dogs bark sometimes … and it’s not their fault! However, it would be best if you taught your pets that there are some rules they should respect. Training may seem hard, but helped by a professional, it can be done faster than you can imagine. So, if your dog’s barking gets out of control, make sure you do something before he drives your neighbors crazy. Unfortunately, they’ll not only hate your dog they’ll also hate you.

4. Filling all shared trash cans

It happens often for townhomes and communities to share trash cans. Be careful not to fill them just with your trash. Find ways to decrease the volume, recycle more, break down plastic bottles, and consider how much waste you generate. You are not the online one who needs trash pickup service.

5. Feeding stray dogs or cats

Feeding stray dogs or cats can be annoying for some of your neighbors if they don’t want any pets around their house. As we all know, once we feed a stray pet we become friends forever so it will be really hard to keep the four-legged friends far from home. Cats are worse than dogs since they can be very insistent and aggressive. The same goes for feeding birds, it creates a mess the neighbors will be very angry about.

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