Roof Replacement Costs in 2024 and What You Should Expect


Truth be told, you’re 100% entitled to dream of a strong, sturdy, and stylish roof. After all, it’s arguably the most important element of your home. However, for some reason or another, every 30 to 75 years, extensive damage might signal that the time has come to start everything from scratch and design a brand-new roof.

Full-roof replacement costs are somewhere between $6,700 and $80,000, or around $11,500 for an average-sized home. However, what’s up with this large range?

As it turns out, you have plenty of options when it comes to what type of roof you should go with. But first, let’s break down some of the most important things to know.

Photo by kelvn from Shutterstock

How much does the roof replacement cost?

The primary cost factors that usually sway the price of roof replacement are the type of materials and the design you choose for your roof. For instance, the standard roof ranges somewhere between 1,000 and 3,000 square feet.

You can easily opt for anything from asphalt shingles to aluminum, clay, or even copper roofing. Your overall roofing cost estimate mainly depends on materials and labor.

Roofing materials could come either by the square foot, by the bundle, or simply by the roofing square—a 10 ft by 10 ft slab of materials. Besides, as much as 60% of your price will account for labor.

The average roof replacement cost accounts for the wide majority of common roof sizes, materials, and labor rates all over the country.

Roofing cost per square foot

The overall cost of installing a new roof might get you somewhere between $4 and $40 per square foot, or around $7 on average, which also includes both labor and materials.

However, what you need to remember, especially when it comes to roofing, is that these numbers will get you somewhere between $400 and $4,000 per roofing square, or around $700 for some of the best materials out there.


When you choose a specific roofing contractor, you should opt for a professional with enough experience in roof replacements. Not only might they help you make the call to replace instead of performing a series of repairs, but they can also help you design the roof that’s the best fit for your home.

The price of the service accounts for somewhere between $2 and $7 per square foot on average. However, the high end of this range deals with complex jobs with steep roofs, but also with hard-to-access areas and regions with higher costs of living.

The contractor might charge you somewhere in between $40 and $60 per hour for the labor, but flat-rate estimates are way more common for bigger projects.


The other 40% to 50% of total roof replacement costs focus solely on materials. For instance, an itemized list breaks down the roof materials, whether we’re talking about shingles, shakes, tiles, or something else, but also the underlayment, new flashing, roof ridges, and even vents. You might also contribute to the cost of building supplies like nails, tools, ladders, and any other related equipment.

Roof pitch

The slope of your roof affects both the square footage and all the other labor rates that come with a roof replacement. For one, the higher the pitch, the larger the area.

As most roofs fall somewhere between a 3:12 and 6:12 ratio, steeper roofs might also require special equipment and take way longer to install.

Roofing costs by type

Asphalt shingles, wooden shakes, and even slate tiles are still on the list of essential roofing materials. But when you have to choose between two quite popular options, like asphalt shingles and metal roofing, you will start seeing all the differences in long-term maintenance costs.

For instance, metal will stand up against the weather better than asphalt could. It’s also essential to choose roofing materials based not only on your local climate but also on the weight-bearing capacity of your roof, your budget, and how you want it to look in the end.

And remember, just in case you plan to sell anything anytime soon, a well-designed new roof is an essential factor in setting the right price.

Full vs. partial roof replacement costs

There are a couple of instances when you might get away even with a partial roof replacement. For instance, only one area of the roof was damaged in a storm.

Or, if you’re dealing with a multi-tiered roof, only one has succumbed to wear and tear. In such cases, you will be able to save enough money on both labor and materials.

However, on the other hand, older roofs that no longer meet local building codes will probably require a full replacement. And let’s just say that replacing the entire roof at once is highly recommended for a consistent appearance and assured stability.

roof replacement
Photo by Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB from Shutterstock

Should you repair or replace your roof?

Deciding whether you should actually repair or replace your roof requires a proper evaluation of a wide series of factors, including the roof’s age, damage extent, and even budget limitations.

It’s highly important to understand all the pros and cons of the two options and make the best decision that will combine both practical and financial considerations.

  • THE AGE OF THE ROOF: If the roof is somehow new and the damage is minor, of course, you should opt for repairs instead of a do-over. After all, it’s more cost-effective. At the same time, for an aging roof approaching the end of its lifespan, it could also be more practical to opt for a complete replacement, especially since repairs could only provide a temporary fix.
  • THE EXTENT OF DAMAGE: When the damage is limited to a small area, such as localized leaks or a couple of missing shingles, deciding to repair is definitely more practical and cost-effective. But in cases where the damage is extensive or even widespread and it also threatens the roof’s structural integrity, a complete do-over could be needed.

Cost consideration

Minor repairs are technically less expensive than a complete do-over, which is exactly why they are so budget-friendly for small-scale issues. As a roof replacement also implies higher upfront costs, it would be more advised to go with the cost-effective and long-term solution, especially if the repairs are frequent and they start adding up over time.

Cost to replace roofing vs. repair

As a general rule, the cost of roof repairs ranges somewhere from $150 to $7,000. Leaks, peeling shingles, and damage to the flashing, underlayment, deck, or even ridge caps are all quite common.

However, structural issues, rot, mold, and other signs of extended pest infestation are the main reasons for concern and might trigger a full replacement.

Additional roof replacement cost factors you should consider

Removing a very important structural element of your home is never all fun and games. You will probably encounter other fees for related work before, after, and during roof replacement.

Removal of the current roof

You can save a lot of time and energy by letting the professionals remove the old roof first. Just to have it out there, roof removal commonly costs somewhere between $1 and $5 per square foot on average, but it depends on the complexity of the removal.

The majority of professionals might include hauling fees too, but you might spend up to $600 for the cost of junk removal if you do it yourself.

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