11 Things That Make Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars

Photo by Maderla from Shutterstock

A “hidden” spare key

Hiding a spare key somewhere around your home, usually the entrance, is a common practice. Be it under the rug, inside a planter, behind a mailbox, it is an easy way to stash your key so that you can have easy access to your home. But it’s not a safe way because burglars usually search for spare keys in such places and they will also have access to your property.

Security experts recommend ditching this practice and leaving an extra key to a trusted neighbor, for emergency situations. Another option would be to have someone install a keypad lock.

Expensive items on display

If you want to change your old TV for an Ultra HD smart TV, be careful where you leave the new TV’s box. In other words, do not put it on display for everyone to see it. You might think it’s just a box, but if an expensive item was in it, you can be sure it will attract potential thieves like flies. Why make your home a target for break-ins?

Instead of leaving boxes of expensive purchases on the curb, cut them up and throw them in the waste container. This way, you keep your valuable items hidden from prying eyes and do not attract the attention of any burglars in search of their next victim.

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