11 Things That Make Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars

plants to keep rabbits away
Photo by Bilanol from Shutterstock

Overgrown lawn and landscape

A place that seems neglected may be an indication that its inhabitants are not spending that much time there. This means that burglars will have no problem finding the right time to sneak inside for a “free shopping” spree.

An overgrown lawn and neglected landscaping work like a charm to signal thieves that they’ve found just the place to ransack. Not to mention untrimmed bushes can even help burglars when breaking your home, by hiding them.

To prevent an unwanted break-in, make sure your plants are properly maintained and trimmed so as not to cover your windows. More that that, mow your lawn and ask for help in this sense when you’re away. “To keep burglars away while you’re on vacation, hire help for lawn maintenance,” suggests Gabriele.

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