8 Items You Shouldn’t Store on the Top of Your Fridge, According to Safety Experts

items you shouldn't store on the top of your fridge
Photo by Jeff Bukowski from Shutterstock

1. Cookbooks

The internet is a great source for recipe inspiration, but sometimes a handy copy of “Joy of Cooking” or a cherished family recipe has no digital counterpart. Moreover, if you cook often, you want those go-tos somewhere close, so most people think it’s best to keep them directly above the refrigerator surface.

Unfortunately, cookbooks are items you shouldn’t store on the top of your fridge because they are a fire hazard. According to safety experts, paper and other flammable objects shouldn’t be placed on an appliance that’s working so hard.

This is also true for the loose paper you may have tucked into the cookbooks, like magazine tear-outs and recipe cards. If these fall behind the refrigerator, they can block ventilation. Not to mention that recipe books are heavy! If one lands right on your head, you will wish you’d just kept it in the pantry.

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