11 Things That Make Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars

Photo by amedeoemaja from Shutterstock

Sharing too much on social media

We live in the era of technology, and social media is a big part of our lives. We keep track of our family and friends via Facebook or Instagram, and let others know details about our lives as well.

However, it wouldn’t hurt to keep certain details to yourself. Even more so, when disclosing the fact that you’re on holiday can bring more trouble than likes. Therefore, refrain yourself from oversharing your travel plans and whereabout on social media, no matter how much fun you might be having. You may tell your family and trusted neighbors about you leaving on holiday, so they can keep an eye on your property. Generally, the less people know about it the better.

Newspapers and packages

If you intend to be away from home for longer, ask a neighbor or friend to take care of your newspapers and packages. This means not leaving them unattended. Parcels and newspapers should be picked up daily, otherwise, the pile stacking at your front door will be a clear sign that you’re not at home. And guess who is waiting to pay your home a nocturnal visit in your absence!

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