If You Don’t Like Red in Your Garden, Read on…


How Can You Choose The Best Colors For Your Garden?

Color is crucial in setting the mood and creating a harmonious environment. When designing a garden, red often stands out among all the colors available due to its boldness and intensity. However, despite its vibrant appeal, it’s not the best choice when considering feng shui principles.

Colors have a huge impact on our perceptions, and in garden design, they are used to create specific atmospheres and influence how we feel while spending time outdoors. Red is a strong color that draws your attention immediately, associated with strong emotions like passion or anger. If not used thoughtfully, too much red can be overwhelming.

We all want to arrange our gardens to promote harmony and positive energy. It’s important to know that feng shui colors are not just decorative elements, they are powerful symbols that carry energies and meanings.

Red Color
Image by SGM from Shutterstock

Why Red Can Be Too Strong For A Garden?

  • Overstimulation – Red can raise energy levels. Usually, in the garden, we want to spend time relaxing, so too much red can be overwhelming. By using too much of it we risk creating a chaotic garden, instead of creating a peaceful retreat.
  • Negative emotional impact – even though red can evoke positive feelings like excitement or even passion, a lot of times it can trigger negative emotions such as stress or anger. A garden should be a place where we spend time relaxing, not stressing out. So, choosing the right colors and decorative elements is essential.
  • Dominating other elements –  balance is key in all kinds of design. The color red tends to dominate its surroundings, which can make other plants and decorative elements fade into the background.

As you already know, flowers are an essential part of any garden. They add beauty and create a welcoming environment. Even though you’re not a professional gardener, you should know about the importance of flowers and how they can help you create a garden that is not only visually appealing but also thriving. Flowers can also add texture and shapes. Their delicate petals can create layers of visual interest, drawing the eye to different parts of the garden and keeping it from feeling too uniform or boring.

Researchers have found that flowers can significantly reduce stress and boost our energy levels. Planting, watering, and tending to flowers gives you a sense of accomplishment and can even be a form of mindfulness, helping you to live in the present and be engaged in the moment.

Flowers introduce a wide range of colors, from bright yellows and oranges to soft pastels like pink and lavender. Depending on the colors you choose, you can create a mood or atmosphere in your garden, whether you’re looking for a calm, relaxing space or a vibrant one. We did some research and found the best plants to lighten up your landscape. Here are 14 colorful plants you should consider introducing in your garden.

Plants That Would Brighten Up Your Garden

Red Flowers
Image by Rumin8beauty from Shutterstock

1. Sweat Pea

Sweat Pea is an ornamental plant, having beautiful flowers of pink, purple, and white. In spring, when it’s blooming, it has a sweet fragrance and you should place it by a garden gate or doorway to enjoy the scent. Sweat Pea can grow about 3 feet tall.

2. Viola

Even though Violas are considered annual flowers, they are frost-tolerant and many overwinter successfully. Their size is perfect for container gardening and their beautiful range of bright, festive colors, including white, lilac, purple, and orange, will immediately change your garden’s aspect.

3. Lavender

Oh, who doesn’t love lavender? It’s one of the most colorful and fragrant herbs. It’s easy to grow and the flowers dry nicely and are often bundled in sachets and kept in a sock drawer. So, choosing lavender for your garden is a smart choice considering all its benefits.

4. Sunflower

If you want to have sunflowers in your garden, make sure you choose one that stays at a reasonable height, because some of them can grow up to 10 ft. tall! Sunflowers are very easy to maintain and can add a modern vibe to a boring garden.

5. Sedum

Sedum is great for flower beds. Nothing works quite like sedum for a swath of rich color in a flowerbed. Before choosing Sedum for your garden you should know that it’s a very common target for bees looking for a rich source of pollen.

Red Flowers
Image by krolya25 from Shutterstock

6. Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is an amazing addition to any garden among garden flower plants. They can be placed in all kinds of spaces, considering that they come in blush or climber form. Usually, they are grown around patios or decks for the fragrance. Honeysuckles can grow really large after a couple of years. so make sure you choose the space wisely.

7. Russian Sage

Russian Sage is a sun-loving perennial and has a lovely fragrance. It can be an amazing addition to sunflower beds. To maintain them healthy and beautiful cut back last year’s growth after new growth has started.

8. Bee Balm, Monarda

You may already noticed from the name, that bees love the bee balm plant! Unlike many other plants and flowers, the bee balm doesn’t mind wet soil and more marshy ground. This special flower can provide some important exotic flavor to your yard.

9. Mock Orange

Mock Orange’s clear-white flowers and yellow centers will captivate you immediately. It’s one of the most striking landscaping bushes when in bloom, and a good background plant of 6-8 feet in height the rest of the season.

10. Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best landscaping plants. Their fragrance is so good that you might not want to wash your hands after touching these flowers. You can grow it in a pot and bring it indoors for the winter if you have a bright southwest-facing window.

11. Strawberry Blonde French Marigold

The Strawberry Blonde French Marigold will turn all of your neighbors heads! The multicolor blooms on the plant are breathtaking. The pink with rustic yellow highlights gives an atypical look to any garden, making it look exotic and even expensive. These flowers grow 8-10 in. tall and 6-8 in. wide, so they are great to maintain in containers.

12. Scented Geranmius

Even if they’re not blooming Scented Geraniums is a delightful plant to have around the garden. Its leaves have a wonderful fragrance, making it one of the best landscape plants. Depending on the species, scents include rose, peppermint, pine, lemon, and apple-nutmeg.

They are not hard to maintain and can be grown like common geraniums, just keep in mind that they need plenty of sun.

13. Lilacs

Lilacs are a good idea, no matter how your garden looks! They are very beautiful and their fragrance is hard to forget. They love well-drained soils and the sun. Over time, they transform into large bushes, so make sure you leave enough space for these bee-friendly plants to grow when starting your garden decoration process.

14. Asters

Asters provide beautiful, bright colors in the fall. If you are new to gardening, make sure you opt for Asters, considering that they are really easy to maintain. Their shades of pink, blue, and white will make your garden look lovely.

On Amazon, you can find great solar garden lights that will make your garden look AMAZING.

Before leaving, make sure you check out another related article: 10 Gorgeous Flowers for Your Spring Garden (Easy to Grow).